Archiv der Kategorie: Uncategorized

SCTP Association Setup Collision

SCTP handles association setup collision such that only a single association is established in case both peers try establishing an association to the other peer, provided that both peers try connecting to an SCTP port which was opened by the peer SCTP … Weiterlesen

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MQTT Protocol Length Field Encoding

MQTT is a relatively new MQ protocol for communication between distributed systems based on messages (message oriented middleware). MQTT has been jointly developed by Eurotech and IBM as a future standard protocol for Internet of Things and M2M scenarios. OASIS … Weiterlesen

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Switzerland to lead in IPv6 adoption

To say that IPv6 is a new Internet protocol is a bit distorting historical facts. Work on IPv6 started back in the old millenium (1995 to be precise) and has since reached status of an Internet standard. Nevertheless, IPV6 adoption … Weiterlesen

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SCTP Congestion Control

Congestion control tries avoiding overload situations in network components like routers. Congestion in network components can lead to packet loss which is handled by the error control function of SCTP (see below). The goal of congestion control is to avoid … Weiterlesen

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Stream Control Transmission Protocol

SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a transport layer protocol (layer 4 in the OSI stack) that corrects some of the shortcomings of TCP and provides additional features like multihoming and data streams. SCTP has its origins in telecommunication network … Weiterlesen

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PATRICIA tree/trie simulator for Internet Protocol route lookups

PATRICIA stands for Practical Algorithm To Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric. It’s a binary tree (or trie as in retrieval) based search algorithm devised by D.R. Morrison eons ago (1968 to be more precise). PATRICIA is a general algorithm for … Weiterlesen

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